Paramount SCS Safety Management

Why You Need Us

Let our safety experts take on every day challenges your business faces with managing & maintaining driver safety and compliance, so you can focus more on running your core business. Many companies with transportation related risks do not have the staff or resources to cost effectively maintain an effective safety and compliance program. Paramount SCS can utilize it’s years of expertise in the industry & variety of resources to provide you with the most up-to-date & well-managed safety and compliance department so you can continue to grow effortlessly. Moreover, we can do so in a way that is cost effective and scalable to your business.

Cost Effective Solutions

The cost of Paramount SCS Fleet Safety Service Program is kept consistent to your business needs & growth. We are able to set-up safety & compliance infrastructure for your company & day-to-day business activities without high set-up charges and/or hidden additional fees. Paramount SCS eliminates the need for you to carry unnecessary and/or additional overhead costs that make it difficult to take critical decisions when they matter the most for your business and it’s growth.


Paramount SCS will provide a service team to coordinate activities between your various locations. This provides consistency with day-to-day operations and allows us to develop an in-depth knowledge of your safety infrastructure so we can ensure there is no hiccups the growth of your transportation business.


Paramount SCS has significant experience working with fleets of all sizes. Our years of expertise in this industry allow us to integrate our processes within your existing operations with minimal disruption. It also allows us to address & resolve all safety, compliance and regulatory issues that your business encounters. We provide you with the infrastructure & framework of a 100 % complaint safety & compliance department that can be ready for even the most complex safety, compliance and regulatory issues that may arise at any point in time for your transportation business and/or fleet. We can ensure your transportation business stays complaint and safe at all times.

We can also provide your business with customs solutions in regards to:

  • Upgrading Your Safety Rating
  • Customized Solutions for New Fleets
  • MOE Number
  • Oversize Permits and Overweight Permits
  • CANADA and US Bond Registration
  • Driver Safety Enforcement: What Motor Carriers Need to Know
  • US Hazardous Materials Safety Permit Program (HMSP)
  • Insurance and Risk Management

Call us today @ 905-671-2777 for a free consultation , and let our team of professionals and guide your transportation business to a better future.