ELD / Log Book Auditing & Monitoring

ELD / Logbook Auditing & Monitoring

Paramount Supply Chain Solutions has been helping transportation companies with regulatory compliance since 2016. Below are some tips & industry insider’s from our Supply Chain Experts that can help you understand why log auditing is so important:

  • As a “Carrier” it is your responsibility to audit, monitor and maintain your driver’s logs. (More than one-third of all violations with the Department of Transportation (DOT) revolve around Hours of Service and Driver Logs)
  • Proper monitoring of logs includes comparing the log to supporting documents (such as fuel and lodging receipts) and any other relevant information. This is done to test the accuracy of the log for falsification.
  • Carriers must document their findings to support any corrective or disciplinary action taken against a non-compliant driver. It is recommended that carriers check their driver’s logs as frequently as possible. Carriers should consider reviewing their driver’s logs on a monthly basis.
  • Although a carrier has the option to monitor a percentage of their drivers each month, every driver should be checked at least once each year. The objective of internal monitoring is to ensure all drivers become fully compliant every day – not just to document each driver’s performance.

Paramount Supply Chain Solutions will help you with the development & implementation of a custom designed safety & compliance system to your fit your companies functions and accomplish your regulatory compliance goals. Just send us your logs, and we will organize them, perform a complete audit, and provide timely, relevant reporting. Our Supply Chain Experts are ready to assist you with simplifying your log auditing process.

You submit your drivers’ logs to Paramount Supply Chain Solutions Log Auditing Department. We audit the logs and provide monthly reports including:


  • Compliance Notification
  • Monthly Utilization
  • Violation Summary
  • Violation History
  • Missing Logs
  • Falsified Logs


  • Improve safety & compliance operations with Hours-of-Service regulations
  • Reduced CSA Driver Fatigue violations
  • Compliance reporting that helps you make calculated business decisions
  • Reduced overall labor costs and unnecessary fines / litigation.
  • MTO or DOT audit support and access to Paramount Supply Chain Solutions Expert’s.

We can help you to monitor your Driver Hours of Service Compliance. Contact us for more information.